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5 Baby Tooth Care Tips Every Parent Should Know

5 Baby Tooth Care Tips Every Parent Should Know
  • PublishedDecember 30, 2021

Dentists recommend brushing twice a day and flossing once a day for good oral health. But what about the baby’s oral health? When do you start brushing baby tooth? How do you brush baby teeth? When should you schedule your child’s first dental appointment?

Many parents find difficulty in judging how much dental care their child needs. They know the importance of proper oral care, but they don’t know when to start brushing their child’s teeth and how to do it.

If you are seeking answers to such questions, you are at the right place. In this guide, we will discuss a few baby tooth care tips every parent should know.

What should you know about baby tooth care?

1. Clean The Gums Before The First Baby Tooth Comes In

Baby teeth develop while babies are still in the womb. Most babies get their first tooth between 6-10 months. And by the age of 3, they get all 20 baby teeth. However, parents should start tooth and gum care at an early age. Wipe the gums off with a warm, wet cloth after every meal or at least twice a day. It will help fight bacterial growth, promote good oral health, and prepare your baby for brushing when the first tooth appears.

2. Take Care Of The Tooth Right Away

You must be wondering why you should brush primary baby teeth that permanent teeth will replace in the future. However, parents should understand that taking good care of primary teeth is equally important as permanent teeth. Tooth decay can occur at any age and decayed teeth can interfere with good nutrition and speech development. Moreover, primary teeth preserve proper space for permanent teeth, and tooth decay can lead to crooked teeth. So, it is important to develop good oral care habits as soon as the first tooth comes in. 

3. Avoid Cavities

The first sign of tooth cavity is discoloration of teeth. Putting your baby to bed with a sippy cup or bottle of milk or juice can enhance the risk of tooth cavities. The bacteria in the mouth convert the sugar into acid, leading to a tooth cavity. So, never leave your infant with a bottle for a long time period. 

4. Set A Good Brushing Routine

It is important to follow a good dental care routine as soon as the first tooth appears. Practicing good oral care habits at an early age will make it easier for parents to teach their children the importance of tooth care. You can start using a soft brush to brush your baby’s teeth. Moreover, it has been found that fluoride can help strengthen the teeth and prevent tooth decay. So, once your baby turns 18-months old, use a pea-size low-fluoride toothpaste. Until then, use only plain water. Once your child is six years old, they can use regular fluoride toothpaste. Remember that infants find it difficult to brush their teeth. So, help your child and teach them the right brushing technique. Also, when you teach them how to brush, it should be fun, not a burden for your child.

5. Schedule A Dental Appointment

Children should have an oral health check with a dentist when they turn 1-year old. It will help reduce the risk of tooth decay. Moreover, when visiting the dentist becomes a crucial part of your child’s routine, it will help reduce the fear of dental procedures. If you are looking for an affordable pediatric dentist in Edmonton, you can find many options. 

The Bottom Line

Dental hygiene can impact your baby’s oral health. So, make sure your child follows good dental care practices by brushing twice a day and visiting your dentist regularly. However, choosing the right baby dentist is not easy. When you search for “baby dentist near me,” you may get several options. But not all dentists can cater to your needs. So, take time to finalize your decision when choosing a dentist for your child.

We hope that this guide has helped you understand how to take good care of your baby’s teeth. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to  us.

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I am the content writer for Allblogsidea, where I love what I do. Writing is my passion; it's what drives me in life. It makes me happy when people share their stories with the world so they can be heard.